a) Encounters with the People
b) Popular mission of Jesus
c) Last Supper
d) Passion and death of Jesus
e) Resurrection of Jesus
f) Sending the Holy Spirit

a) Encounters with the People

        Jesus Christ was followed by the crowds. But the Gospel also includes encounters that Jesus had with individuals, who he spoke to alone (Zacchaeus, Matthew, the Samaritan…). To each and every one of them, he told them what was best for them, because he knew very well what each of them held within their heart.

        Jesus never discriminated against anyone, but he was partial towards the poor, the sick, the meek, foreigners, sinners, women and children, which was not highly looked upon in those times.

b) Popular mission of Jesus

        Jesus Christ did a multitude of tasks, but above all he dedicated most of his time to a triple mission:

-announcing the Good News. Jesus preached all of the gospel in only three years, to all people no matter who they were, and he demanded a concrete reaction from them: for them to leave everything and to follow him;

-healing the sick. Jesus dedicated almost 1/3 of his time caring for the needy, which in some cases didn’t even have their own name;

-expulsion of demons. Jesus won over evil through goodness, and beat the evil one through a triple battle of temptation, obsession and possession.

c) Last Supper

        In the Old Testament, God made a covenant with his people, and sealed it with animal blood. Now in the last supper, Jesus made a new covenant with all humanity, new and definitive, and it would be sealed the next day with his own blood, shed from the cross.

        On Holy Thursday, during the last supper, Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist and priesthood, giving his apostles a triple mission:

-to preach God’s word,
-to forgive sins,
-to celebrate the sacraments.

d) Passion and death of Jesus

        Jesus came to this world to redeem us from our sins. Redeem means to buy someone’s freedom, paying a price for this.

        Each and every one of us is born with the original sin, and with an inclination towards sin. All of us are sinners, and no one can pay a price high enough for our salvation. But Jesus Christ could, because he is God. The price of rescuing us was Christ’s blood offered to the eternal Father from the cross.

        Jesus suffered and died, just as it was predicted centuries before by the prophets. Jesus on Mount Calvary, suffered many cruel acts to his body and also to his spirit, seeing his enemies’ hate and his disciples’ weakness. But in this way Jesus was able to save mankind from evil and open all the gates to heaven.

e) Resurrection of Jesus

        Jesus had clearly predicted, three times, that he was going to rise from the dead on the third day. He had said this to everyone, in public and in the company of his enemies.

        This is why the Pharisees went to ask Pontius Pilate:

-to seal the door to his tomb,
-to have roman soldiers watch over the tomb night and day.
-to keep silent, offering them a large sum of money, in case he really did rise from the dead.

        The day after the Sabbath, some women who were with Jesus when he was on the cross went to embalm the Lord’s body. But when they arrived at the tomb, they saw that the entrance stone had been removed and some angels told them that Jesus had resurrected.

        After the resurrection, for 40 days, Jesus appeared to many people, so that they could be witnesses before all mankind. After ascending into heaven, 10 days later, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his apostles, on the Jewish feast of Pentecost.


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th Catechism